Thursday, October 29, 2009

Got Immunity?

I just recieved this letter from my friend Angel. Please feel free to join in on this call and to invite your friends.

To Your Health,

This morning I was talking with a good friend of mine who had just learned that his 8 year old daughter had been diagnosed with H1N1 (swine fever). My question to YOU is: how strong is your immune system? It would definitely not hurt anyone to learn more about how you and your family can have a healthier immune system.

This coming Thursday (October 29, 2010 @ 9 PM Eastern Time) we’ll hear from
MC Barbara Lagoni, who graduated from Cornell University on Food and Nutrition Science and has lectured on the topic of nutrition all over the U.S. and Canada for over 30 years. It’s a conference you can’t miss and, should invite everyone you feel can benefit from this great conference.

A great opportunity to improve your life and help others in the process!
Be Healthy!
Angel Torres...

Phone: 512 225 9472
Code:) 662538#

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tune Up Your Immune System

Shaklee’s Rx for Health Program

One Vitalizer Vita-Strip a day Contains:

Vita Lea High Potency Multivitamin & Multimineral Tablets: Because our immune system is dependent on an adequate daily intake of a variety of essential nutrients -AND- most of us don’t get those nutrients from diet alone.

Sustained Release B – C Complex:
Vitamin C - Because macrophages and other immune cells produce free radicals that can damage surrounding tissues and weaken the immune system – AND - vitamin C helps prevent free radicals from damaging cellular proteins and DNA.
B Complex - B vitamins are also essential for the optimal functioning of the immune
system because immune cells need to divide rapidly and are metabolically very active -
AND – most of us do not get adequate amounts of at least some essential B vitamins in our diet.

Carotenoids - Because Caroto-E-Omega contains all 6 of the essential carotenoids found in those fresh fruits and vegetable that we are not eating on a regular basis - AND - the carotenoids in Caroto-E-Omega work with other antioxidants to strengthen the immune system.
Vitamin E - Because Caroto-E-Omega contains all 8 naturally occurring forms of
vitamin E in optimum balance. Vitamin E works along with vitamin C and the
carotenoids to protect call membranes from the free radicals produced by macrophages and other immune cells -AND- you need all of the naturally occurring forms of vitamin E in balance for optimal effectiveness.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Because Caroto-E-Omega contains all 7 naturally occurring
omega-3 fatty acids in an ultra-high purity form. Diets deficient in omega-3 fatty acids
increase the risk of inflammation and weaken the immune system -AND- clinical studies show that omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation & strengthen the immune system, but cold water fish, which are the best dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids, are often contaminated with heavy metals, dioxin and/or pesticides.
Optiflora Probiotic : 70% of our immune system is in our intestine. When harmful bacteria and yeast take up residence in our intestine, they weaken our immune system - AND - Optiflora pearls contain Acidophilus and Bifidus, essential friendly bacteria that crowd the harmful bacteria & yeast out of our intestines. Optiflora guarantees delivery of 500 million live beneficial microflora to the intestines, due to its unique triple encapsulation which protects these essential bacteria from the acidity of the stomach.

Cinch Shake Mix- Because adequate daily protein intake is absolutely essential to
support the rapid growth needed for the cells of our immune system to respond to
infections - AND – we don’t need the fat and cholesterol found in many animal sources of protein. Comes in Vanilla, Chocolate, Cafe Latte and Strawberry flavors.

Nutriferon - Because a healthy immune system protects us from deadly diseases and cancer AND allergies are becoming an increasing problem for millions of Americans - AND- Shaklee’s revolutionary Nutriferon formulation both strengthens and normalizes the immune system – providing us with increased protection against disease-causing organisms and cancer cells - while it reduces allergy symptoms.

For Best Results, Add:

Defend & Resist Complex – Defend and Resist Complex provides extra immune support when you are stressed, fatigued, and feeling that hint of an oncoming cold or infection. It gives you not one, but four clinically proven immune-supporting ingredients: echinacea, black elderberry, larch tree, and zinc. Each supports, enhances, and promotes a healthy immune response. Keep Defend and Resist Complex in your cabinet so that you have it available when you feel the first cold symptoms.

Garlic Complex – Garlic has been called “Nature’s antibiotic” and was frequently used for its antibiotic properties prior to the introduction of the very potent antibiotic drugs that are in widespread use today. It should not be considered as an alternative to modern antibiotics for treatment of serious infections, but it still can play an important role in a holistic approach to supporting a strong immune system.

The information is not meant to be used in the diagnosis or treatment of disease. The recommendations are geared towards the prevention of disease. The product descriptions are meant to indicate the role that they may play as part of a holistic approach to optimal health.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Prevent Swine Flu - Good Advice for all

The only portals of entry are the nostrils and mouth/throat. In a global epidemic of this nature, it’s almost impossible to avoid coming into contact with H1N1 in spite of all precautions. Contact with H1N1 is not so much of a problem as proliferation is.

While you are still healthy and not showing any symptoms of H1N1 infection, in order to prevent proliferation, aggravation of symptoms and development of secondary infections, some very simple steps, not fully highlighted in most official communications, can be practiced (instead of focusing on how to stock N95 or tamiflu):

1. Frequent hand-washing with warm water and soap. Strive for 1 minute of scrubbing.

2. "Hands-off-the-face" approach. Resist all temptations to touch any
part of face (unless you want to eat, bathe, slap or kiss).

3. Gargle twice a day with warm salt water (use sea salt if possible).
H1N1 takes 2-3 days after initial infection in the throat/nasal cavity to proliferate and show characteristic symptoms. Simple gargling revents
proliferation. In a way, gargling with salt water has the same effect on a healthy individual that Tamiflu has on an infected one. Don’t underestimate this simple, inexpensive and powerful preventative ethod.

4. Similar to #3 above, clean your nostrils at least once every day with
warm salt water. Not everybody may be good at using a Neti Pot, but blowing the nose hard once a day and swabbing both nostrils with cotton buds dipped in warm salt water is very effective in bringing down viral population. (Most Drug Stores carry commercial Saline Nasal Sprays which should do the same thing without cramming a Q-tip up your nose!)

5. Boost your natural immunity with foods that are rich in Vitamin C*

6. Drink as much of warm liquids (tea, coffee, etc) as you can. Drinking warm liquids has the same effect as gargling, but in the reverse direction. They wash off proliferating viruses from the throat into the stomach where they cannot survive, proliferate or do any harm.

Come back tomorrow for more suggestions.

To Your Health,

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Save the Planet, Save your Health, Save Money, Save Time

In a recent ALL YOU article Shaklee's Get Clean line was recently named at the top of the list for Saving Money & Time. The entire cleaning kit replaces over $3400 worth of cleaning products!

More importantly, in my opinion, is how safe they are. These are the only cleaning products used in my household. They are also used in the White House residence.

What are you using in your househould? Are you using any of the products featured in this video? You can do better for you and your family.

To Your Health,

Monday, October 19, 2009


There is so much talk lately about the flu vaccine, prescription medications, and increases in chronic illnesses.

Wouldn't it be great if someone could just tell us what to take for optimal health? What if there was a doctor that would write that prescription?

I found one.

Dr. Jamie McManus has written a Prescription for a Healthier Life for us. Check out this video.

If you want to get started on Rx for a Healthier Life contact me via

Ask me how you can get your Rx for FREE.

To Your Health,

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Artificial Sweetners - Harmless or Harmful?

When we first started on our journey, I thought eliminating sugar, meant replacing with artificial sweetners. Phew - was I wrong!

Artificial sweetners are in so many things that we don't even realize it. We may think we are making the right choice, we have even made the right choice in the past - low & behold, companies change their ingredients.

You must be a label reader each and every time.

When my children were young and would want something in the grocery store, I taught them to read labels with me. As they got older, they would start to ask for something, pause, read the label & just put it back on the shelf. It is a great way for the entire family to learn.

This article was just shared with me and I think it is a must read.

To Your Health,

Saturday, October 3, 2009

EPA Celebrates Children's Health Month

This news relase is from the EPA website.

To Your Health,

Help Protect Children from Environmental Risks: EPA Provides Tips during Children’s Health Month

WASHINGTON - October is Children’s Health Month. To heighten awareness about environmental issues impacting children, EPA is providing parents and caregivers simple tips they can use to help protect children in their homes, schools and communities.

“As both EPA Administrator and a mother, I understand the importance of protecting our children from environmental threats,” said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. “Throughout Children’s Health Month, we will work to help parents and caretakers ensure the safety of our children and build a safer, cleaner, more sustainable world for their future.”

Children eat, drink and breathe more per pound than adults. When food, water or air is polluted, children are more affected by that pollution when compared to adults. These concerns about children’s health are a driving force behind many of EPA’s programs, policies and regulatory activities.

There are simple steps that parents and other caregivers can take to protect children from environmental health hazards in their surrounding daily environment.

Here are some simple steps that can be taken to help keep children safe and healthy:

1. Discover how climate change may affect the health of children, and how reducing energy helps the climate and reduces air pollution.
2. Have a health care provider or local health department test children’s blood lead levels.
3. Wash floors and window sills to remove dust and peeling lead-based paint, especially in older homes, where lead based paint is more likely to be found. Repair peeling or chipping paint in older homes.
4. Reduce asthma attacks by controlling triggers such as pet dander, mold and second-hand smoke.
5. Don’t expose children to cigarette, cigar or pipe smoke at home or in a car.
6. Check the local public water supplier for annual drinking water quality reports. Have private water wells tested annually by a certified laboratory.
7. Store pesticides and other chemicals in a locked cabinet. Never put them in other containers that can be mistaken for food or drink.
8. Replace mercury thermometers with digital or mercury-free thermometers.
9. Homes should be tested for radon, as it is the second leading cause of lung cancer.

More tips: