Shaklee’s Rx for Health Program
Vitalizer Vita-Strip a day Contains:
Vita Lea High Potency Multivitamin & Multimineral Tablets: Because our immune system is dependent on an adequate daily intake of a variety of essential nutrients -AND- most of us don’t get those nutrients from diet alone.
Sustained Release B – C Complex:
Vitamin C - Because macrophages and other immune cells produce free radicals that can damage surrounding tissues and weaken the immune system – AND - vitamin C helps prevent free radicals from damaging cellular proteins and DNA.
B Complex - B vitamins are also essential for the optimal functioning of the immune
system because immune cells need to divide rapidly and are metabolically very active -
AND – most of us do not get adequate amounts of at least some essential B vitamins in our diet.
Carotenoids - Because Caroto-E-Omega contains all 6 of the essential carotenoids found in those fresh fruits and vegetable that we are not eating on a regular basis - AND - the carotenoids in Caroto-E-Omega work with other antioxidants to strengthen the immune system.
Vitamin E - Because Caroto-E-Omega contains all 8 naturally occurring forms of
vitamin E in optimum balance. Vitamin E works along with vitamin C and the
carotenoids to protect call membranes from the free radicals produced by macrophages and other immune cells -AND- you need all of the naturally occurring forms of vitamin E in balance for optimal effectiveness.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Because Caroto-E-Omega contains all 7 naturally occurring
omega-3 fatty acids in an ultra-high purity form. Diets deficient in omega-3 fatty acids
increase the risk of inflammation and weaken the immune system -AND- clinical studies show that omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation & strengthen the immune system, but cold water fish, which are the best dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids, are often contaminated with heavy metals, dioxin and/or pesticides.
Optiflora Probiotic : 70% of our immune system is in our intestine. When harmful bacteria and yeast take up residence in our intestine, they weaken our immune system - AND - Optiflora pearls contain Acidophilus and Bifidus, essential friendly bacteria that crowd the harmful bacteria & yeast out of our intestines. Optiflora guarantees delivery of 500 million live beneficial microflora to the intestines, due to its unique triple encapsulation which protects these essential bacteria from the acidity of the stomach.
Cinch Shake Mix- Because adequate daily protein intake is absolutely essential to
support the rapid growth needed for the cells of our immune system to respond to
infections - AND – we don’t need the fat and cholesterol found in many animal sources of protein. Comes in Vanilla, Chocolate, Cafe Latte and Strawberry flavors.
Nutriferon - Because a healthy immune system protects us from deadly diseases and cancer AND allergies are becoming an increasing problem for millions of Americans - AND- Shaklee’s revolutionary Nutriferon formulation both strengthens and normalizes the immune system – providing us with increased protection against disease-causing organisms and cancer cells - while it reduces allergy symptoms.
For Best Results, Add:
Defend & Resist Complex – Defend and Resist Complex provides extra immune support when you are stressed, fatigued, and feeling that hint of an oncoming cold or infection. It gives you not one, but four clinically proven immune-supporting ingredients: echinacea, black elderberry, larch tree, and zinc. Each supports, enhances, and promotes a healthy immune response. Keep Defend and Resist Complex in your cabinet so that you have it available when you feel the first cold symptoms.
Garlic Complex – Garlic has been called “Nature’s antibiotic” and was frequently used for its antibiotic properties prior to the introduction of the very potent antibiotic drugs that are in widespread use today. It should not be considered as an alternative to modern antibiotics for treatment of serious infections, but it still can play an important role in a holistic approach to supporting a strong immune system.
The information is not meant to be used in the diagnosis or treatment of disease. The recommendations are geared towards the prevention of disease. The product descriptions are meant to indicate the role that they may play as part of a holistic approach to optimal health.