Thursday, May 6, 2010

No More Allergy Shots for Me!

With all the pollen in the air, I thought you might enjoy this testimonial.

To Your Health,

No More Allergy Shots for Me!

I'm allergic to pollen, dust, grass, weeds, trees, feathers, fur, certain scents, dogs, cats, and certain foods (citrus, fish, cashews or anything processed in a plant with tree nuts).

I also have asthma. I suffered itchy rashes on my hands so bad I could hardly bend my fiingers.

For years I would break out all over my body every time the wind blew.
I was always getting nosebleeds. I was constantly sick with bronchitis,
and pretty much had no voice for 4-6 months of the year. I tried over-the-counter, and every prescription med, inhaler, or nose spray.

Zyrtec worked best but made me absolutely crazy and I had to quit taking it.

I was getting allergy shots for a while and they helped a lot, but the series were sporatic and a couple times I had analphylactic reactions to the shots.

That is really scary!

The last time MediCal stopped my shots was when Nutriferon first came out. I was freaking about the shots because if I didn't get them every week ... I'd end up with bronchitis and lose my voice, etc.

I was a non-committed Shaklee user, but decided to give the Nutriferon
a try. What a difference!

I doubled up on it the first few days, then took two a day regularly for a long time.

I did go without it for about a week at one point, and that is where
I really noticed the difference because the symptoms came back!

Other than that, I've been basically symptom free since I started taking the Nutriferon, and I've gotten friends who were distributers for other companies taking it for their allergies and asthma because they saw the differnce in me and how much better I was since I started taking the Nutriferon.

I have seven children, one with severe allergies who also takes Nutriferon.
My oldest daughter who is in college in Santa Cruz, takes it every day and
she was the only one in school that didn't get sick the whole year, except once, and that time she recovered real fast when she doubled up on the Nutriferon. The other kids take it when others around them are getting sick at school and work.

It feels good to be able to go outside on a beautiful day and not be afraid of breaking out in a rash. I even go outside when it is windy and still have my voice!

Recently I went on a five-mile hike when everything was blooming
and didn't even sneeze or get wheezy!

Nutriferon is amazing stuff ... I can't help but be excited about it!

God bless Dr. Kojima!

Tara Colvin
Orcutt, CA

Check out Nutriferon.

Presidents Report Links Chemicals to Cancer

Presidents Report Links Chemicals to Cancer.

Duh.....I hope people start making better decisions about what they bring into their home. And let me climb on my soap box - Clorox is not concerned with removing chemicals when they released Green works - If they were they would have stopped manufacturing their harmful chemicals. It is a marketing ploy. I hear from people every day who are happy with their switch to Get Clean - Safe for you, your family & the environment.

I have helped many family's make the switch - I would be happy to help you also.

Safe, Economical, Effective & Environmental.

Why wouldn't you Get Started with Get Clean?

To Your Health,

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Check Your Medicine Cabinet -Children's Medication Recalls

Most parents have used or have some of these in their medicine cabinets. Please check your supply. Have the baby sitter, day care & grandma check their supply also. Here is a link to the recall list.

If you are interested in a FREE E-Book on raising Healthy Kids like I did, please request it on the right hand side of this page.

To Your Health,