Friday, April 30, 2010

Still Working Towards 100 Families

April - the month of Earth Day is winding down. So many of you have already made the committment. :)) I appreciate your support. The planet appreciates it and your families will appreciate the lack of toxins.

If you are interested in purchasing the Get Clean Kit, which will replace $3400 of cleaning products, click

If you are interested in a smaller Get Clean Pack, click

If you want to simply get started with Basic H2, click to receive special 50th Anniversary Pricing.

Feel Free to share this blog.

To Your Health,

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Need Your Help, Please!

We have added 8 more families since Earth Day!

My mission is to help 100 families make the change.

We are at 80!

80 bottles of Basic H2 is the equivalent of keeping 58,240 plastic bottles out of our landfills!

Thank you.

Can you share this site with your friends and family to help reach our mission of 100 families?

100 bottles of Basic H2 is the equivalant of keeping 72,800 plastic bottles out of our landfills!


Together we can make a difference,
To Your Health,

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day! Can you help with my mission?

I have been on a mission to introduce the

Ø Non-Toxic,

Ø Environmentally Safe,

Ø Economical &

Ø Effective

Get Clean by Shaklee to 100 families.

We are currently at 73 Families!!

Let’s consider the impact of just Basic H2

1 bottle of Basic H2 is the equivalent of 728 bottles of window cleaner

73 bottles of Basic H2 is the equivalent of keeping 53,144 plastic bottles out of our landfills!

Thank You!

Each Get Clean Kit is the equivalent of

Ø Reducing landfill waste by 108 pounds

Ø Eliminating 248 pounds of greenhouse gas, and

Ø The enviromental equivalant of planting 10 trees,

all while saving over $3000 from your retail store cleaners.

In Honor of Earth Day 2010

April 22, 2010

What Can 1 Family do to Improve The Health of The Planet?

Did you Know….

Each human needs 10 trees to supply enough oxygen to breather for a year.

Have you planted 10 Trees this Year?

What Can 1 Family Do?

Choose Get Clean by Shaklee

Watch Get Clean featured on Oprah.

Watch Get Clean featured on Rachel Ray.

If there was a way you could

Ø remove harmful chemicals from your home,

Ø eliminate 248 pounds of greenhouse gas, and

Ø do the environmental equivalant of planting 10 trees,

all while saving over $3000, would you want to know more?


Join Oprah, Melania Trump, Jessica Seinfeld, Renee Rockerfeller & your neighbors!

Now used in the White House Residence &
the Naval Observatory(the VP residence) !!


Be 1 of 100 families who

Replace their toxic cleaners with a Shaklee Get Clean™ Starter Kit
and dispose of all your toxic household products safely and plant the equivalent of 1,000 trees for our earth.

Host a “Real Dirt on Clean” party to help us reach 100 families
and receive $10 SRP Shaklee Products* for each attendee up to $100.

*PV bearing products

To learn more or to schedule “Real Dirt on Clean” call me at 860-945-9677.

FYI: Collection of toxic household products for Beacon Falls, Bethlehem, Middlebury, Naugatuck, Oakville, Oxford, Southbury, Thomaston, Waterbury, Watertown, Woodbury


Saturday, April 24, 2010
8:00 am to 2:00 pm

John Trumbull Primary School
779 Buckingham St.
Oakville, CT 06779

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Teaspoon of Sugar!

Do you know sugar also depletes your immune system? Added sugar causes a myriad of problems. Get your sweet from fresh fruits. Artificial sweetners come with their own set of controversy - stay away from them.

Here are some comments regarding sugar usage from Dr. Stephen Chaney.

To Your Health,

Who can forget that Mary Poppins song "A teaspoon of sugar makes the medicine go down".

Well that teaspoon has become a tablespoon - and then some!

A recent study has shown that 84% of our teens are consuming a extra 356 calories a day from sweetened beverages such as sodas, fruit punches & sports drinks compared to teens just 16 years ago (Pediatrics, 121:
1604-1614, 2008).

And it isn't just teens. Children ages six to 11 consumed 20 percent more calories from sugar-sweetened beverages in 1999-2004 compared with the 1988 to 1994 period.

A 2006 Pediatrics study published by the same authors indicates that the obesity epidemic in children is caused by an energy gap of just 110-165 excess calories per day.

The causes of the obesity epidemic in our children are multifactorial - but it is clear that sugar-laden drinks are part of the problem.

Now you may have heard that the soft drink manufacturers are coming to our rescue.

They have pledged to replace all of the sugar-laden sodas, fruit punches & sports drinks in our children's schools with the sugar-free versions.

Problem solved you might say...but it's not so simple.

As I told you in an earlier "Health Tips From The Professor" a recent study has shown that sugar free sodas are just as likely to lead to weight gain as the sugar-containing varieties.

We don't fully understand why, but the sugar-free sodas appear too increase our appetite for all of the other junk foods that are out there.

The best drink is - as it always was - water!

To Your Health!
Dr. Stephen G Chaney

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Top 'Worst Snack' may be in your kid's lunchbox

Have you been watching Jamie Olivers Food Revolution on TV? I love the work he has done in Great Britain and we surely need an overhall here in the USA. I have always packed my children's school lunch. I do remember when they attended before school for a brief time - seeing the honey glazed donut and flavored milk that was supposed to constitute a "good" breakfast to start their day. What???? This article gives you a few other "Aha's". If you want some ideas for healthy snacks, request the FREE Healthy Kids E-Book on the right hand side of the page.

To Your Health,

Top 'Worst Snack' may be in your kid's lunchbox
Sarah Gilbert
Apr 14th 2010

Lunchables may be mom-friendly and child-approved, but it's not exactly healthful nourishing food. In fact, Oscar Mayer's Lunchables (snack size) appears in the top four of WebMD's "Not-so-healthy snack" list, sharing top billing with such obvious selections as chocolate-covered doughnuts, mini doughnuts and snack cakes; snack pies; and "movie theater" popcorn.

Two types of the popular lunchbox filler -- bologna and American cheddar cracker stackers, ham and cheddar with crackers -- "contain about half a day's worth of the suggested amounts of fat, saturated fat, and sodium for someone eating around 2,000 calories a day." In my opinion, this makes the Lunchables worse than the Little Debbie Zebra Cakes, which have less fat (but way more sugar, at 32 grams far more than the AHA recommends your child eat in two days), but actually seem healthy from across the room.

WebMD doesn't mince words. Under fruit pies, this: "The Safeway fruit pies even say 'great snack!' on the package. This makes sense only if by 'great snack,' they mean high in calories, total fat, saturated fat, and sugar, and low in protein, fiber, and other healthy nutrients."

Movie popcorn is targeted not just for its obscene fat content, but its use of trans fats. Cheetos, chips, cheese crackers like Cheez-It brand, and frozen snacks like Hot Pockets, Toaster Strudel and Ore-Ida fries all appear on the list thanks to their high fat content and minimal-to-nonexistent nutrients. A few times, the writer mentions that a package label serving size is one ounce; though most of us snack in two-ounce (or more) portions.

It's worth pointing out, here, that all these foods have one thing in common: they're highly processed, the sort of foods that substitute for real food like bread, homemade pie, sandwiches, ethnic "hand pies" like calzones and pasties and spanakopita. They're also quite expensive, compared to snack foods that appear on any pediatrician's or sports coach's "yes-so-healthy" list such as apples and nut butter and whole grain bread.

They're meal replacements, for the most part, but intended to be eaten between meals, or in place of healthy breakfasts and lunches for children. In other words, each of these foods is exactly the kind Jamie Oliver inveighs against in his Food Revolution TV show; and any number of food writers before him have called out in a variety of shocking terms, no more shocking than Jamie's: he says these foods are "killing our kids."

So this is a good time to bring up the other entry on the eight not-so-healthy snacks list: Tyson Fun Nuggets. Oliver spent a lot of time focused on chicken nuggets in his show -- his kid experiment subjects ate them despite Oliver's gross-out making-of demonstration -- and, as a result, many parents reconsidered nuggets' starring role in their kids' typical diet. "They may seem like a good snack choice because they're high in protein (14 grams)," writes the WebMD author. "But there are ways to get your protein without all the extra fat, saturated fat and sodium."

The items on the more-healthy list are the ones you could have come up with on your own -- whole grain bread with peanut butter, quesadillas, "fun-to-eat frozen vegetables" like edamame beans, a smoothie made with plain yogurt and fresh fruit. The healthy options are cheaper, but there's one thing: you generally have to do one or two more (extremely easy) steps other than simply putting the item in the oven or microwave.

I say it's worth it. And I'd add plain fresh fruit (my kids love apples) and vegetables with healthy dip (my favorite is asparagus spears with a pesto-yogurt dip I make) to the list.

The evaluation isn't that much of a leap: take foods that are expensive and "killing your kids" with their fat and sugar contents, add in a number of chemicals and preservatives whose effects on the human body haven't been extensively tested. Compare that with cheap, simple whole foods whose nutritional benefits are proven and yet take the smallest amount of additional work.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Shocking Sugar Content of Common Food Products

This article was shared with me by my friend Denise. A really interesting eye opener. Share it with your family.

To Your Health,

Shocking Sugar Content of Common Food Products

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Neurological Symptoms Caused by Cleaners

Hello Everyone,

This is a little lengthy, but powerful experience from Becky. It's also timely with April being Earth Day. Please take a minute to read and appreciate what Shaklee is doing in making safe, effective and economical cleaning products. This would never happen with our Shaklee Get Clean household products. If you want to get started, contact me to find out about our April Earth Day Special.

To Your Health,

As I share my personal story with you all, I must start out by saying that for many years, I have always used the typical household cleaners that one might see at the local supermarket. I never truly considered that many types of cleaners were not only hazardous to everyone’s health and to the environment, but also that they could have an impact on children’s development, especially neurologically. Of course, as I used them, I tried hard to open windows and to clean away from where the kids were playing. However, it wasn’t until I saw the great implications of using these products in my home with my oldest son, that I realized it was paramount to make a change.

My story begins in 2008, when my oldest son Andrew turned three years of age. It was April, and we were expecting our second son at any moment. I decided to use a cleaning service for a few months so that it would take some stress off and I would have more time to focus on the boys. I started services as soon as Christopher was born. The cleaners they used were commercial and had a lovely scent, that made me “think” my house was disinfected and safe for my children. However, shortly after they began cleaning, my oldest son began to develop a neurological eye-blinking tic. He would sometimes start blinking so hard, that he couldn’t see what was in front of him.

We started trying to figure out what it was causing him to do this. My husband and I spent hours, researching on the Internet, considering many different reasons why this was occurring in our healthy and happy three-year-old. We thought perhaps he needed his eyes tested, or maybe he had bad allergies to something, maybe it was nutrition, or even maybe the stress of having a new sibling in the home impacted him so much this was a coping mechanism. I made appointments with allergists, optometrists, pediatricians, finding out he had great eye-sight, no huge red flags on allergies, and no explanation as to why these tics were occurring.

Lastly, we resorted to taking him to a Neurologist at the Denver Children’s Hospital. His tics were continuing to get worse. They ran a series of tests and the Neurologist was unclear as to why he was having such profound tics at such an early age. He informed us that Transient Tic Disorder can happen in childhood but is usually not seen until around five to six years of age. He said that the best approach would be to “wait and see”, and if they continued to happen, it could be a sign of Tourettes Syndrome. He began to show us the many different medications that Andrew might need to take. I was a mess.

And, his tics continued to worsen. It was so constant that I remember holding back the tears at his birthday party, as I watched him try to blow out the candles on his cake, and him not being able to stop his eyes from continuously blinking. Worse still, he started becoming aware of it, and would hide his eyes with his hands when he would feel them coming. It was a stressful moment for us. And, we were continuously trying to find answers.

Well, as time continued, so did Andrew’ tics and it was a daily struggle but as the Summer ended, his tics miraculously dissipated (so we hoped). Ironically, I had also quit using my cleaning service in order to save money, but at the moment, never even considered there to be a connection. As time progressed, Andrew was Tic-Free, and we were ecstatic. We chalked it up to maybe some random childhood phenomena. And, life went on.

As the holidays approached, I decided I missed that “clean” smell from my cleaning service, and asked them if I could purchase the cleaning products independent of using their services. They agreed and I started to use the products again in my home. Within a month’s time, Andrew’s tics returned. We couldn’t believe it. I had that mommy “gut” feeling that we all get with our kids that maybe, just maybe, it was the products I was cleaning with, but I wasn’t completely sure. I did stop using them once I ran out, and slowly once again, Andrew’s tics became less and less and less, until they were completely gone.

I still wasn’t completely convinced about what specifically it could be. I had never heard that cleaning products could be that detrimental and all of the products that were used were approved by OSHA as being safe. So, a couple months back, I made the final discovery. I noticed in my garage I had some left-over deodorizer and thought it would help freshen my car. Within TWO days, Andrew’s Tics were full-force! I realized that it must be some ingredient in the cleaners that he was sensitive to and in turn was causing him to have a huge reaction. In hindsight, I started to piece together a time-line and found the correlation between his tics and the cleaners. It seemed to match.

I quickly cleaned out my car with a steam cleaner (water only) and called the companies in request of the ingredients they used in the different products. Some of the ones listed seemed so foreign but all were ingredients that were surprisingly passed and regulated and commonly used. Which meant that these same ingredients were probably found in a multitude of other cleaners too. Thankfully, after the last episode, Andrew’s tics went away within a week’s time. But, now I feel 100% sure that it was the cleaners! I called a few friends and my family to say that now I finally had answers to this mystery that had been plaguing my son and our family on and off for a couple years.

After telling one of my friends about my discovery, she invited me to a SHAKLEE party, where I learned a lot. I found out that indeed chemicals in just ordinary household cleaners are extremely toxic and I quickly started to think to myself, what else am I putting around my family that is causing damage that isn’t obvious. I was lucky in a way, that Andrew was showing signs that the chemicals were hurting him, because now I know how potent they are and I knew what I needed to do to protect him. It was critical to his health that I completely used non-toxic and green products.

I guess from all of this, I have learned the importance of having a healthy home. It impacted one of my children’s lives and sometimes it takes that kind of wake-up call to make a change. I can only hope my story influences others to think about what we put around our children, especially when they are vulnerable in many ways. If a household cleaner, deemed safe by OSHA, could cause my son to have neurological issues, it scares me to think about what else it could do. I have now changed his environment in hopes that I will never have to find out.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Color them (Hyper) Active

This is the reason I began my quest for natural alternative answers almost 15 years ago. My own son was diagnosed. I refused to believe the first line of defense was a narcotic for my child. Although, my attempt at the Feingold Diet was very short-lived, I found us following the advice Dr. Chaney mentions in his article. If I can help you find solutions, let me know.

To Your Health,

Color them (Hyper) Active

Each year between 3 and 10% of school aged children hare diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), also known as hyperactivity.

Most of these children are currently being treated with drugs.

And these drugs have side effects - ranging from relatively minor (loss of appetite, weight loss, insomnia and mood swings) to major (suicidal thoughts, psychotic behavior and drug abuse).

So it is only natural for parents to ask whether there is a more natural approach that they could follow and, more specifically, whether diet could make a difference.

To answer that question lets start by looking at just one aspects of children's diets - the increasing prevalence of artificial food colors and preservatives in the diet.

The average child today is consuming over 10 pounds of food additives every year!

The idea that food additives - specifically artificial colors and preservatives - might be responsible for hyperactivity was first raised by Dr. Ben Feingold over 30 years ago. He devised the Feingold Diet - a diet that was free of artificial food colors, preservatives and other artificial food additives.

Some small scale clinical studies suggested that the diet might be successful and millions of parents used the diet for their hyperactive children with great success.

But the medical authorities pooh-poohed the Feingold Diet. They pointed out that when parents are putting their child on a special diet they are also giving that child more attention - and it might be the parent's increased attention that decreased the child's hyperactive behavior.

They also pointed out when you eliminate food additives from the diet you are decreasing the "junk" food and increasing fresh fruits and vegetables - in short the child's diet is much healthier.

So eventually the Feingold Diet lost popularity - but the idea that artificial food colors & preservatives might trigger hyperactivity has refused to go away.

In fact, a couple of recent studies have substantially strengthened the link between artificial ingredients and hyperactivity.

The first study was a meta-analysis of 15 previous studies looking at the effect of artificial food colors and preservatives on hyperactivity (Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 25: 423-434, 2004).

This meta-analysis concluded that artificial food colors & preservatives caused an increase in hyperactivity in 28% of the children tested.

Almost all of the children in those previous studies were selected for the study because they had been diagnosed as hyperactive (ADHD).

However, a more recent study looked at 297 children from Southampton England who had not been diagnosed as hyperactive (Lancet, 370: 1560-1567, 2007).

After an 8 week elimination phase in which artificial food colors and preservatives were removed from their diets, they were given a one week challenge consisting of fruit juice containing one of two different mixtures of four artificial food colors and the preservative sodium benzoate or a placebo.

The amount of artificial food colors and sodium benzoate in the fruit juice drinks was designed to match the average amount found in the English diet (which isn't all that different from the American diet).

Once again, the results were clear. The amount of artificial food colors and preservatives found in the typical child's diet is enough to trigger hyperactivity in many children.

So what does that mean to you if you have a hyperactive child?

Could the simple act of eliminating artificial colors, flavors & preservatives from your child's diet eliminate hyperactivity and give you back that calm, sweet child that you love?

The available data suggest that removing artificial food additives from your child's diet can make a difference in their behavior, but I tend to side with experts who suggest that a holistic approach is best.

Eliminating food additives from your child's diet is important, but also make sure the diet is a healthy one, that your child is getting all of the nutrients that they need and that they are getting all of the attention and support that they need.

To Your Health!
Dr. Stephen G Chaney

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Anti Biotic, Anti Bacterial - What should one do??

Check out this excerpt from our Woman to Woman DVD.

If you like this, you will love the FREE Children's E-Book available on the right hand side of the page. It is written by Dr. Jamie McManus.

To Your Health,

Monday, April 5, 2010

Sneezing, Sniffling, Watery Eyes ?

Help! Allergy Season is here!

Allergic disorders affect an estimated 1 in 5 adults and children (40 to 50 million people) and are the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in the United States, according to the Allergy Report from the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAI).

What Are Allergies?

Allergies are the immune system's inappropriate response to a foreign substance, called an allergen. Exposure to what is normally a harmless substance, such as pollen, causes the immune system to react as if the substance were harmful. Being exposed to allergens when the body's defenses are low or weak, may also contribute to the development of allergic rhinitis (hay fever) symptoms. Sneezing, congestion, itchy, watery nose and eyes and/or asthma symptoms such as wheezing, chest tightness, difficulty breathing and coughing, are no fun. We’ve all seen the many commercials for various prescription drugs, but is that the only answer?

Are there Natural Solutions to Allergies?

Yes. By strengthening your immune system, you can replenish your body’s own arsenal of defenses. Probiotics can help.

Things that Weaken your Immune System:

Stress (emotional, physical)
Over exposure to toxins
Poor diet
Lack of rest

Things that Strengthen your Immune System:

Avoid sugar, baked goods
Reduce toxic exposure
Diet rich in veggies, fruits, low fat
Adequate rest, 8 hours/day
protein, whole grains
Nutritional supplements

FACT: In 2000, US sugar consumption was 160 pounds per capita per year.
In 1985 it was 124 pounds.
In 1900 it was 10 pounds.

FACT: Sugar is the anti-nutrient. It depletes vitamins and minerals essential for the immune system (B vitamins, antioxidants, iron, zinc). It also displaces natural nutritious foods in the diet like fruits, vegetables, water, or milk (with soft drinks).

Did you know that 70% of the body’s immune cells are located in the intestinal tract? Did you know that antibiotics often kill off your beneficial bacteria along with the harmful ones? After taking an antibiotic, most doctors will recommend that you take a probiotic to replenish the beneficial bacteria that reside in your intestinal tract.

Vitamin C Boosts the Immune System

Vitamin C is depleted by stress such as infections, illness, fatigue, surgery, anxiety, pollution, and extremes in temperatures. Birth control pills, smoking and alcohol deplete vitamin C. As we age, there is a greater need to regenerate collagen, which requires more vitamin C.

Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine, helps the body absorb iron and calcium, and is frequently used in the prevention and treatment of colds. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that reduces risk of cancer, heart disease, and cataracts. Vitamin C also increases resistance to ligament and tendon injury.

Other Natural Solutions to Allergies and allergy symptoms:

1. Don’t wear your shoes in the house. They track in allergens.
2. When pets come in from outside, wipe fur with a damp cloth.
3. Try a netti pot or a saline solution to flush your nasal passage.
4. Sleep with your head elevated.
5. Natural, chemical free cleaners that work.

To Your Health,