Friday, February 19, 2010

The Truth About Antibiotics and Why They May KEEP You Sick

This was passed on to me from my chiropracter's wife. This is a great explanation of when and why antibiotics should or should not be used.
I am able to blog about No Sick Visits because my family is living proof. Once we took control or eliminating most garbage foods ( not all - ya gotta live. :) )and began a comprehensive nutritional supplement program - well antibiotics were not part of our life - they haven't been since we began this journey. It's more than about my family. It's about our human family !

To Your Health,

The Truth About Antibiotics and Why They May KEEP You Sick by Kevin Donka, D.C.Share
Yesterday at 1:18pm
This is a time of year when many people find themselves challenged with upper respiratory infections. The symptoms associated with the clearing of these infections can last several weeks and can be very challenging. Many people eventually end up going to see their family medical doctor and most end up taking antibiotics even though the doctor never performs a culture to verify if the infection is viral or bacterial.

You may not know it, but the “Physician’s Desk Reference” clearly states that antibiotics should not be prescribed unless a culture reveals the presence of a bacterial infection. Just this past week, three different practice members came in and told me they were taking antibiotics without a culture being done.

One of these three people told me that her doctor must have guessed right because she was definitely feeling better since she had started taking the antibiotic. Her fever had diminished, her coughing had decreased and her energy had begun to return within 2 days of starting the medicine. Many people make this mistake of believing that because symptoms begin to disappear when taking a medicine that the medicine is the reason they are feeling better and that they are on their way to a “cure.”

You must understand that when you begin to see symptoms, it is really your body beginning to CLEAR the infection - the infection had already taken hold. Once symptoms appear, it means that your body’s Innate Wisdom has identified a problem and is taking steps to eliminate a problem. Now, let’s say your body is in full swing eliminating a virus. You have all the signs and symptoms – fever, headache, chills, lethargy, runny nose, cough, etc. Then you introduce an antibiotic – a powerful drug whose name literally means “against-life” – into your body. But you do NOT have a bacterial infection for this antibiotic to work on – only a viral infection, upon which antibiotics have no affect whatsoever.

Ask yourself which of these two – a virus or a chemical poison – is a more immediate threat to your well-being. The answer of course is that the antibiotic is a more urgent problem. As such, your body immediately takes steps to eliminate the poison (antibiotic). One of the things that the body’s Innate Intelligence does in order to accomplish this is to temporarily stop trying so hard to eliminate the virus. As a result, your symptoms begin to go away! Unfortunately, many misinterpret this as a sign that the antibiotic is making you “well.”

Don’t get me wrong – I am not saying you should never take an antibiotic. I am simply saying that all of the proper protocols must be followed in order to avoid doing more harm than good to your body, and our society. Numerous articles are being written on the “superbugs” we have created and are continuing to create due to the improper use of antibiotics.

Finally, realize that flies don’t cause garbage! You wouldn’t look at a pile of garbage and complain that the flies caused it! Flies can only live and thrive in an environment that is favorable for them to do so. Your body is normally strong and resistant to most outside stresses including viruses and bacteria. If an infection has occurred in your body it means that some process has been gradually changing your normally healthy and resistant environment into something more favorable for some critter to come calling and set up house.

Make sure to begin living a health-creating lifestyle right away including creating a peaceful environment, laughing as much as possible, deep breathing, lots of clean water, a high energy diet and a balance of movement and rest – including enough sleep and exercise. Last, but certainly not least, make sure you get your nerve system checked regularly by your chiropractor to ensure that your Life Force is flowing from above down and inside out as completely as possible.

For more, please visit

Thursday, February 18, 2010

What to Give Up......

This was shared by a friend of mine as a reflection as we enter the season of Lentfrom . I wanted to share this reflection - whether you follow the practice of Giving Up during lent or not - these are some great lessons for all of us.

To Your Health,


Give up complaining. . . . . . . .focus on gratitude.
Give up pessimism. . . . . . . . . become an optimist.
Give up harsh judgments . . .think kindly thoughts.
Give up worry. . . . . . . . . . . . . trust Divine Providence.
Give up discouragement. . .be full of hope.
Give up bitterness. . . . turn to forgiveness.
Give up hatred. . . . . . return good for evil.
Give up negativism . . . positive.
Give up anger. . . . . . .be more patient.
Give up pettiness. . .. .become mature.
Give up gloom. . . . . .. .enjoy the beauty that is all around you.
Give up jealousy. . . . . .pray for trust.
Give up gossiping. . . .. .control your tongue.
Give up sin. . . . . . . . turn to virtue.
Give up giving up. . . . . hang in there!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Should you ignore the Rules?

Some words of wisdom from Lou. What do you think?

To Your Health,

Winner's Circle Network with Lou Tice - 2/4/10 - "Raising Children"

If you are a parent or grandparent, you know there are plenty of rules for raising kids. Today, I'm going to tell you why ignoring these rules can sometimes be a good idea.

Some years ago, in his book, How to Parent, Dr. Fitzhugh Dodson said that, "Raising a child is a human relationship, and human relationships cannot be reduced to a set of rules."

I agree. Rules are only guidelines, and both you and your child are unique. Each of you is a product of a special combination of genes and environment that has never existed before. What's more, you have a special relationship with each of your children that is different from the relationship of any other two people on this planet.

So, avoid the mistake of trying to fit this relationship into any preconceived idea of what it's "supposed to be" like. Refrain from dogmatically following a set of rules, even when the rules are written by a so-called "expert." And, don't try to force your child to conform to someone else's idea of what she or he should be.

The most important thing you can do for your children or grandchildren is to offer them stability, guidance and support while they explore, and learn to realize, the unique potential self which is unfolding within them.

You can reinforce their efforts to achieve worthwhile goals, you can set reasonable limits, and you can remain flexible. But most of all, you can make sure they know that you recognize and respect them for the goodness that resides within each of them.

Lou Tice

The Pacific Institute

Friday, February 5, 2010

Often the First Sign of Heart Disease is Sudden Death! What are you doing?

Go Red Day – Heart Health Month - Red Dress Fashion Show – Awareness

February has been named National Heart Disease Awareness Month.

It’s great to raise Heart Health Awareness – if you are going to take Action. By Action, I don’t mean wearing red.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but wearing red today, tomorrow or even all month won’t make a difference in your heart health.

It’s not what you put ON your body.
It’s what you put IN your body that makes the difference.

If you truly want to reduce the incidences & risks of Heart Disease,
-Do something that has proven results on your Heart Health.


Choose the Video @ Shaklee Vitalizer, based on 3 years of Scientific Development & more than 50 years of Shaklee Scientific Leadership. Watch the Video & then answer the following 6 questions by copying & pasting into an email. Submit your answers by clicking contact me & receive CASH REBATE on this month’s Shaklee order.

1. Name 6 Health Benefits of Vitalizer.

2. Vitalizer was based on 12 Clinical Studies. Name the most recent.

3. List 3 results of the Shaklee Study Group.

4. Which nutrients are included in Vitalizer?

a. Multi-Vitamin
b. Vitamin B
c. Carotenoids
d. Vitamin C
e. Vitamin E
f. Omega 3
g. Acidopholus
h. Flavonoids
i. All of the Above

5. Higher incidences of what Nutrient leads to lower incidences of
Heart Disease & Sudden Death for Heart Disease.

6. What immediate benefits will you realize from Vitalizer?

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To Your Health,

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Higher household chemical exposure during pregnancy associated with childhood asthma

After reading this letter from Dr. Chaney, I am so grateful of the choices I have made in our home. If you are ready to make a concious change, let me help.

To Your Heatlh,

Everybody is going green. Biodegradable cleaners are finally in fashion.

But did you realize that many of the cleaners that you buy in the supermarket - and some of the biodegradable cleaners that you buy in the health food store - release toxic fumes in your home that can adversely affect the health of you and your children?

For this enewsletter, I'm going to focus on just one aspect of this topic - household chemical exposure and childhood asthma.

But first a bit of background information: The prevalence of childhood asthma increased 74% between 1980 and 1994 and has continued to increase in the years since.

The causes of this rapid increase in asthma prevalence are likely to be complex, but evidence has accumulated in recent years that some of the increase may be caused by early exposure to toxic chemical fumes in the home.

Why is that?

The American consumer keeps demanding cleaners that work better (It's considered a big plus if they require no effort) and are easy to use (Don't bother with messy liquids and pastes - just spray it on).

And manufacturers have been willing to oblige by adding ever more exotic chemicals to household cleaners and putting them in aerosol spray cans.

And of course no one opens their windows any more. That would be wasting energy and contributing to global warming.

The result is that these toxic chemicals accumulate in the air that we breathe in our own homes. In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency has stated that the air inside our homes is often more polluted than in Los Angeles or New York on a smoggy day.

A number of studies have pointed to an association between these toxic household fumes and childhood asthma, but I'd like to focus on one particularly good study on this topic that was published recently in the European Respiratory Journal (31: 54-57, 2008).

This study measured the household chemical exposure of
7,162 pregnant women in England and looked at the incidence of asthma in their children at age 8.5 years.

A maternal composite household chemical exposure (CHCE) score was derived by measuring the pregnant mother's exposure to a number of common household products known to contain toxic chemicals.

The household products used most frequently were disinfectants (87.4%), bleach (84.8%), aerosols (71.7%), air fresheners (68%), window cleaners (60.5%), carpet cleaners (35.3%) and pesticides/insecticides (21.2%). (For information on the toxic chemicals in these and other common household products visit:

Asthma was quantified based on persistent wheezing (reported by the parents) and several lung function tests that were administered at age 8.5 years.

To make sure that the asthma was not caused by simple allergies the children were also given a skin prick test against a panel of 6 common childhood allergens (house dust mites, cats, mixed grass, mixed nuts, peanuts and milk).

The study also controlled for confounding variables such as exposure to tobacco smoke, damp housing, pets in the home and maternal history of asthma.

In short, this was a very large and particularly well controlled study.

And the results were clear.

Higher household chemical exposure during pregnancy was associated with a 41% increase in childhood asthma in children with no known allergies.

What does that mean to you and me? It means that it is not enough to select household products that are safe for the environment.

We also need to select products that we use in our homes on the basis of their safety for us and our family - not just on the basis of cost and convenience.

To Your Health!
Dr. Stephen G Chaney

Responsible Children?

I had to share this essay on Responsibility form Lou Tice. Is it important to teach our children responsibility? I think so - but you decide for yourself.

To Your Health,

Winner's Circle Network with Lou Tice - 2/1/10 - "Responsibility"

One of the most important things we can teach our children is a sense of responsibility. But have you ever thought about exactly why this is so important? Let's explore this idea.

Most of us believe that raising our kids to have a strong sense of responsibility is important. But what does it mean to be responsible? And why is it so important?

Well, for one thing, responsibility goes hand in hand with confidence and the feeling of controlling of one's own life. When we are responsible, it means that we are capable of making rational or moral decisions on our own, and that we are answerable to others for our behavior. It means that we can be trusted and depended on - that our word to others, and to ourselves, is good.

Responsibility also suggests the ability to choose the way we respond to life's events, rather than simply reacting by reflex.

Feeling responsible is a very good feeling. As a matter of fact, it's an essential feeling if we are truly going to live up to our potential, enjoy satisfying relationships with others, and live happy, fulfilling lives.

So how do we teach our kids to be responsible? Well, the surest way is by being responsible ourselves. It also helps to explain the benefits of responsibility to them, and to give them gradually increasing responsibilities as soon as they are old enough to handle it. Praise their efforts. Let them know that you see them as responsible, and watch them grow into it.

Lou Tice